Ooh, I got a sparkling little blogging award from the creator of "
Fear is a Dirty Word" !!! I feel so honored that anyone even notices me over here in my little corner...thank you so very much :-)
Here are the rules to the award:
1. Answer the question : "What do you like the most about your own blog?"
Frankly, I have a pretty serious love/hate relationship with my blog! I love it in THEORY, I'm always thinking of stories to tell, seeing things I want to share, taking pictures...but then I get here, to BLOGGER, and it just TAUNTS me. I'm not a total noobie on the web, I don't know how it always manages to get the best of me, but usually I get so fed up at wrangling with it, that I just give up!
So probably what I like best about MY blog is that it's where I have saved all my OTHER favorite blogs, so it's a gateway to all THEIR lovely photos and stories and inspirations.
And in all humbleness I will ask if anyone is willing to take pity on Poor Me, and give me a few tips on getting Blogger to do what *I* want it to do, I would be EVER so grateful.
2. Pass this award to another ten lovely ladies (and this is the REALLY hard part - limiting the list to TEN!): in no particular order:
Everything Style : by the lovely Shae Acopian Detar, vintage seller, stylist, photographer, artistic spirit.
The Drifter and the Gypsy : by Micaela, the sweet dreamer, still a teen, but more vision than many twice her age.
Bleubird Vintage : by Miss James - who, aside from doing everything with charming style, is also the CUTEST pregnant gal EVER!
Country Cottage Chic : by Miss Jayne, gracious host to the site that drums into our heads that the cutest things in the world are from the OTHER side of the pond :-)
Ask the eBay Queen : by Suzie. SuperMom. Nuff said.
Green and Chewy : by Carole and her little dog Chewy. Teaching us How to Be Green, one backyard at a time.
Excuse Me While I Buy This Junk : by Wanda (aka Waldo aka My-Separated-at-Birth Sister on the Road to Successful Vintage Business). Follow her many forays into the world of thrifting and re-selling.
Liebemarlene Vintage : by the darling Rhiannon, with wonderful photographs by her boyfriend Drew, as they visit the historical South and many thrift shops on the way.
From Me to You : I've just recently found this one - I love her mix of photos and themes and subjects. I love it all!
SF Girl by Bay : Bohemian Modern Style from a San Francisco Girl. Always charming and inspirational.
There! Phew! Thanks to all the lovely ladies mentioned above, for bringing a little loveliness, charm, whimsy, and graciousness into our lives everyday. Yay, Internetz!